Friday, June 22, 2012

Still Alive, thankfully

 So for those (one) person who have read what is going on I did something of supreme stupidity. Well some of it's my fault, some of it's the fault of my bad luck. 

Here's a quick overview of what happened.

I couldn't afford to go to sleep in a hotel and my location being a large city there were no nice people who would kindly let me borrow their home for a night, so I decided to attempt to go to sleep in a back alley while attempting to keep my scant belongings from being stolen (much harder than it sounds). So of course I found myself a nice little dark corner to go to sleep in, ignoring my cardinal rule of sleeping somewhere with other people who can goddamn see me.

I couldn't have been asleep for more than an hour when I woke up to find I was in the company of four more people who were arguing about something I couldn't quite grasp since I had just been woken up and was still quite sleep deprived. It took a while for me to get my bearings and start paying attention to their overall conversation which went something like this.

"Wait what are you doing don't draw that!"
"We have to it keeps him at bay!"
"Are you stupid that summons him!"

I couldn't see what they were on the drawing but I already had a vague idea what they were drawing, and I was praying that I was wrong, but unfortunately whatever deity truly lives in the clouds could not be bothered with my prayers or was otherwise preoccupied, because the second they moved out of the way I saw what they were drawing, yup it was the fucking _glyph_.

The second I saw  the glyph I began panicking, screaming obscenities at nothing in particular, not because I believe the _glyph_  summons him, in fact I believe the opposite, I have the _glyph_  on every article of clothing I have. No I was panicking because the more _stalked_ there are in one group, the more powerful \gaunt\ gets. So of course my first thoughts were of getting out of Dodge, unfortunately lady luck decided to spit on me, three guesses what shows up... yes, \gaunt\ showed up, even worse he was in full on fur mode.

I would just like to say that in the two years I have been a _runner_  I have never had the displeasure of seeing \gaunt\ with its tendrils out, which I quite frankly am very thankful for. From what I have read on other blogs it seems the appearance of its tendrils is a bit different for every person. Some claim they look like tree limbs, some say they look like roots, others say they look like regular old tentacles, it seems to be different for each person. This is what I saw.

First of all a silence filled the immediate area because \gaunt\ had suddenly appeared, he stared at us like we were some kind of strange animal it was viewing at the zoo, tilting its head like it found us amusing. Before any of us could act, it moved its arms until it palms were facing outward, then all hell broke lose.

It essentially looked like what happens when you put a drop of food coloring into water, it seemed as if ten tendril exploded outwards from its suit, they looked as if they were made from the same material of its suit, tapering down into a hooked point. The second they emerged three of the tendrils skewered one of the _runners_. The other seven reared back like snakes ready to strike. I think the reason I didn't piss myself in terror is because I had barely drunk any liquid that day.

It seems \gaunt\ (thankfully) was more interested in the other _runners_, so I was able to escape from getting my entrails ripped out unlike my fellow runners. I ran out of the alley and it seemed that lady luck decided to take piss on me. It seemed a group of \masked\ were following him, they were seemingly there to make sure any survivors would be dealt with. My first response was to shoot the tallest in the head (I own a .44 magnum for "self defense", got it out the second \gaunt\ appeared) and then proceed to run like hell.

One following chase scene latter in which I was followed by a group of \masked\ who for some reason decided not to bring some sort of firearm of any kind reinforcing my theory that prolonged exposure to \gaunt\ results in lowered brain activity. Anyways long story short I got away long enough to post that little post and then ran until I was able to get away from them into a safe zone, yay.

Well that's the end (finally) of that post, gonna try and get some sleep. Will post some theories soon on a particular phenomenon that has been bothering me.

1 comment:

  1. His tentacles sound awesome! Oooh I hope he shows me :D
